RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds provide an easy way for you to keep up to date on the latest changes made to our site.

Available Feeds
RSS Feed Last 10 locations added

This feed will give you descriptions of the last 10 locations we have added.

RSS Feed Last 10 rankings added

This feed lets you view the last 10 rankings added to, across all locations.

How to use Feeds

You will need an RSS reader or aggregator to subscribe to our feeds. You have three basic options: standalone software that you download and install, program extensions, or online services. Here are a few options:

To learn more, check out


You probably are thinking, "Man, RSS feeds are the wave of the future!" But wait, there's more! Our feeds are actually GeoRSS feeds, which means each entry has geographic data encoded with it. To make use of this, there are a few GeoRSS readers out there that will let you view feed information on a map.

Google Earth
You can also view all the locations in Google Earth! Download the Locations KML file and import into the Google Earth site or application.
We also have an public API. If you are interested in learning more, contact us.